Financiación de instalaciones solares térmicas en edificios a empresas habilitadas
On 19 May 2010, within the framework of the Plan for Renewable Energy in Spain 2005-2010, the Resolution of the Presidency of the Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy was published in the Official State Gazette, which establishes the invitation for applications and the corresponding terms and conditions for the qualification of companies in the SOLCASA Programme, for solar thermal energy in buildings.
As with the BIOMCASA and GEOTCASA Programmes, this Programme aims to establish a financing system that promotes a high-quality offer adapted to the needs of users of hot water and climate control in buildings, using solar thermal energy, in the framework of the Plan for Renewable Energy in Spain 2005-2010.
The IDAE has set a budget of 5 million euros to finance the projects presented by pre-qualified companies that meet the requirements of the Programme.
Applications are to be submitted using the application form, which can be found on this page as an attached document, and in accordance with the terms and conditions which can also be downloaded from this page.