The IDAE, as a body of the Ministry of Energy, has a notable international influence in the area of energy, highlighted by two of its strategic objectives: the promotion of the presence of Spanish companies in international markets and the institutional representation in European programmes and international forums and networks.
The activities can be grouped in two major sectors: Collaboration with the European Union, with the aim of supporting the co-ordination of national energy policy with the policies of the Community and promoting Spanish participation in Community programmes to increase the rate of return; and International Co-operation with other institutions and other regions to which Spanish businesses can bring their experience, technology and knowledge and thus contribute to the internationalisation of Spanish business.
Collaboration with the European Union
The main activities are to monitor the European Union’s energy policies and participate in various working groups and committees. The IDAE actively participates in the work arising from the European Union’s Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan) and in particular its industrial initiatives. In addition, it carries out an important dissemination role of the Research and Innovation Framework Programme HORIZON 2020 advising Spanish bodies and having notable expertise as the National Point of contact for the Social Energy Goal: Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy.
In addition, the IDAE also participates in projects within these European programmes: It is currently participating in the projects ODYSSEE MURE and Fair RHC Options and Trade (FRONT), as well as in the three Concerted Actions for the monitoring of the respective Directives of energy efficiency (EED), of promotion of use of energy from renewable sources (RES Directive) and of energy efficiency of buildings (EPBD).
The IDAE also co-operates with other European countries either through their energy agencies in the European Energy Network (EnR) or in European co-operation projects, Red Europea de Agencias Nacionales de Energía (EnR) or in European cooperation projects, such as ePANACEA:Holistic Methodology-Calculation of Energy Efficiency Buildings, DRES2Market: Technical, commercial and regulatory approaches to improve the participation of renewable energies in the electricity and auxiliary services markets; ONEnet: A Network for Europe.
International Co-operation
On one hand, the activity focuses on participation in international and multinational initiatives/organisations and representing or supporting the Spanish Government, and on the other hand it includes carrying out activities such as co-operation and technical support in different geographical areas. The IDAE monitors and participates in the meetings of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) which was founded in 2009 in Bonn (Germany). The agency was born from a German initiative, which was later joined by Denmark and Spain, which has the objective of promoting the use of renewable energies worldwide. The IDAE also works on activities within the framework of the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) where Spain leads the multilateral solar and wind working group, together with Germany and Denmark. This is one of the three initiatives in which Spain participates. Within this initiative, and under the leadership of IRENA, a Global Solar and Wind Atlas has already been delivered, Global Atlas. There is a desire to broaden this to include other technologies. The Atlas was developed by the International Renewable Energy Agency, IRENA, the Renewable Energy Learning Partnership (IRELP) and the Capacity Needs Diagnostics for Renewable Energies in the solar and wind sector (CaDRE). Within the International Energy Agency (IEA), the IDAE participates in the Technology Collaboration Programmes (TCPs) - formerly called Implementing Agreements (IAs) - which consist of more than 40 research, development and demonstration projects in the energy field. It also participates in various working groups: final use energy technologies, renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency technologies. The IDAE actively participates in the working group on end use energy technologies (EUWP) where the highlights are the two annual meetings through which the IDAE encourages and co-ordinates the participation of Spanish companies in the TCP network. Other forums in which the IDAE contributes as the national representative are, among others, the European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources (EUFORES), the Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP) and the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21) which organises the IREC (International Renewable Energy Conferences) together with the national governments.
The priority collaboration zones are the regions of Latin America and the Mediterranean. In Latin America, the IDAE has implemented several technology co-operation projects, for example the Tech4CDM project on renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies for the generation of mechanisms of clean development, and maintains bilateral collaborations with almost all the key countries of the region. It also maintains contact with the most relevant bodies, such as the Latin American Energy Organisation (OLADE).
In the Mediterranean region, the IDAE participates actively in the activities of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) in the areas of renewable energy and energy efficiency.
In addition, the IDAE participates in Cooperación Española projects and those co-financed with European funds, as well as in bilateral co-operation activities with countries in the zone. Notable is the project “twinning with Jordan”, financed by the European Commission, in which the IDAE has participated, together with the Spanish Electricity Network (REE), to advise the Jordanian electricity network operator NEPCO on the integration of renewable energy into its electricity system and on the optimisation of its transmission network (finalised in 2016).
Additionally, the IDAE is a founder member of the Mediterranean Association of National Energy Agencies (MEDENER).
Laundh of the MEETMED project at the Union for the Mediteranean headquarters (Mitigation Enabling Energy Transition in the Mediterranean Region) More information
In Africa, as well as working with the Mediterranean countries, since 2010 the IDAE has been collaborating in the formation of the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) whose objective is to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency in the fifteen countries of west Africa which are part of ECOWAS and which have financial support from Spain through the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID). Finally, it’s important to highlight the contact between IDAE and other countries through the Commercial Offices of the Spanish Embassies.
Other information of interest
REN 21. Renewables Global Status Report GSR. Resumen anual completo del estado de las energías renovables.
VI Convocatoria de Financiación de Proyectos de Energía Renovable, reproducibles, escalables y de carácter transformador, en los países en desarrollo. Acceda a la información sobre las solicitudes de financiación, participar como experto o conocer más sobre las oportunidades de cofinanciación. La Agencia Internacional de Energías Renovables (IRENA) y el Fondo de Abu Dhabi para el Desarrollo (ADFD) han colaborado en la provisión de un Fondo de Proyectos conjunto para apoyar proyectos de energía renovable replicables, escalables y potencialmente transformadores en países en desarrollo
If you would like to receive more information, please contact the International Department.