These are centralised thermal generation systems that, by means of a system of networks which transport thermal fluids, meet the demand for heating and hot water in single-family houses, apartment blocks and other private and public buildings such as libraries, hospitals or sports centres, as well as in industry.
The heat generated is used in a more efficient way than in individual solutions, because the generation-demand binomial can be fitted optimally. They also benefit from economies of scale. It is a solution that has a high degree of implementation in central and northern European countries, and that is gradually opening up as a profitable and sustainable alternative energy for Spanish users.
Although there is still a lot of untapped potential in Spain, there are already highly relevant examples, such as the biomass heat networks already in operation in Soria, Valladolid and Ólvega, and the network currently under construction in Móstoles. The design and size of the networks varies widely and can be adapted to both small municipalities and large cities.