Financiación a empresas habilitadas de Grandes Instalaciones Térmicas a partir de fuentes renovables en edificación
The publication in the Official State Bulletin of the Resolution of the Presidency of the IDAE of 26 April 2011 establishes the invitation for applications and the corresponding terms and conditions for the qualification of companies in the GIT Programme for the use of biomass, solar and geothermal renewable energies for thermal applications in buildings.
This financing programme was launched in response to the need to encourage large installations for the production of thermal energy in buildings to be implemented based on the use of renewable energies (biomass, solar thermal and geothermal).
This new line of financial assistance is intended for those projects that, due to their size and complexity, were outside the limits established in the calls for the BIOMCASA, SOLCASA and GEOTCASA programmes. It establishes a financing system for large installations in these areas, continuing the determined promotion of the energy services model that guarantees a high-quality supply which is adapted to the needs of the users of hot water and climate control in buildings, all this within the framework of the Plan for Renewable Energy in Spain 2005-2010.
To launch the programme, the IDAE has contributed a budget of € 17 million for the financing of the projects presented by the ESCOs (Energy Service Companies) pre-qualified to execute large projects that meet the requirements of the Programme.
The upper financing limit per project will be 80% of the value of the eligible investment (for thermal generation), with an absolute maximum limit of financing per individual project of € 3 million. The lower financing limit will be € 250,000 for SOLCASA GIT projects and € 350,000 for BIOMCASA GIT and GEOTCASA GIT projects. Applications for qualification are to be submitted using the application form, which can be found on this page as an attached document, and in accordance with the terms and conditions which can also be downloaded from this page.